Sunday, December 16, 2007

Strip Club to Open in Tom's Tavern

Well nothing is happening worth blogging about, and then, a strip club opens on the mall! (If you if you think I'm going to blog about the congressional race for 8 months like dill-weed David Thielin is on his right wing Rush Limbaugh clone blog for 8 months, forgetaboutit).

The Bustop can't compete with a downtown club, so they are looking at going upscale and downtown. Why not Tom's Tavern. The home of the crappiest food in Boulder will continue to offer crappy employment to young women, waiting tables or stripping at Tom's, same difference. Tom's staff has no love for the place, expect few tears.

Washington School is hot. If the petition is ruled valid, it will require the City Council to reconsider a zoning change that allowed the project to go forward. If elected leaders decline to reverse that decision, the matter will go to voters — either next November, or sooner if a two-thirds majority of the council agrees to schedule a special election.

Idiots like Thielin think the council election changed nothing. Washington School will prove how different this council is from the last nasty council. The Wash School project is now officially dead, until the greedy developer starts working with the neighborhood on an acceptable project. The questions is how tone deaf is Jim Leach. He must realize this council will overturn the zoning change and he is back to square one. If he is smart, he will cave; expect a very fun council meeting where Wash School goes down.

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