Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ryan Morgan, Daily Camera's lazy reporter

This is one lazy Daily Chumpara reporter that is not headed for anything bigger in his career. Having met the reporter at many board and council meetings, he doesn't come off as a rocket scientist, more of a fratish party-boy. He shows his poor reporting skills today in his brilliant investigative story on the front page of the paper today. Take today's in-depth story on Crystal Gray.

Entitled "critics" want Crystal Gray to resign, Morgan proceeds to report on what one "critic" says on his local blog. That's it. No other critic is mentioned. One crazy guy and his crazy blog. I've got news for everybody, what David Thielin's puts on his blog is not even remotely reflective of public opinion in this town, if it was, we would have losers such as Shaun Coleman on council. Thielin has time and time again proven to be out of touch with this community, and regardless, the paper has no business reporting what he writes on his blog.

This is agenda driven reporting at its finest. The Camera is sore over lots of issues, mainly the new council's growth control positions, and this story is how the Camera attacks the council.

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