Tuesday, October 27, 2009


All over town, Tebo's empty buildings have these three signs.

David Thielen - lying Boulder blogger

David Thielen-Thielen, our fake liberal blogger in Boulder, wants you to believe that the progressive ticket for Boulder is voting for Barry Siff and KC Becker. Typical of his Republican roots, David is lying to cover the real truth. Developer backed candidates whose model for Boulder is Broomfield and Highlands Ranch are anything but progressive. He criticizes the last 30 years of Boulder councils by saying that if they had gotten there way, NCAR would never have been built!!.

As usual, David is a moron who fundamentally does not understand why Boulder is a great town. but what do you expect from a failed computer entrepreneur. Boulder is great because of limited growth, plus an educated population with the University and Federal labs as anchors. Boulder is not great because of businessmen like Barry Siff, newcomers, who idea of vision is to build and grow us into an unlivable town, like Broomfield, Louisville, and Lafayette.

The Progressives in this town are the Sierra Club and PLAN-Boulder County. To deny this is to live in Highlands Ranch. Without these groups, there would be a line of housing extending south to Golden and southeast to Broomfield. Traffic would be a nightmare and city services and social services would be non-existence.

Dont' vote for registered Republican Siff. He is not a progressive. And David Thielen, he is one Boulder blogger that can't tell the truth.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Who will win.

Boulder's stupid clueless political blogger. He hides behind the liberal label, but liberals don't go around saying "a man's home is his castle." David Thielin you are so transparent, these are code words for libertarian, and apparently you believe that the Camera blog relects the opinion of the community. The election results, like two years ago, will show just how clueless you remain.

The biz community going after Macon essentially ensures his reelection to a four year term. The opposition candidates are extremely week, with only KC having any experience or community ties. Barry Siff, wtf. Anybody with such a transparent "i know best" attitude (the kind that makes David Thielin pant with joy) cannot possiblely win a seat.

The biz community has not put up a strong enough slate to defeat Macon. Boulder is full of serious people who understand the growth issue, Barry Siff is not a serious person, he is a weird self promoter. That is not the kind of person who will get the 8,000 votes. (Barry, you will have no probelm winning in Broomfield, I suggest a move).

Candidates without any real ties to the community, like Barry Stiff and Feisty Fenno just can't get to the 8,000 number, even with the unlimited developer money they have. Stiff's involvment with the community, which consists of self promoting semi-athletic events, is not the type of involvement that makes any real difference in the community and getting people to support you.

KC is really the only serious opposition candidate. Sure, her switching sides on Planning Board to the growth side might cost her votes. But the conservatives and developers have no one else to vote for. And her background in Democratic politics is enough to make her a serious candidate though. She will get some of this vote.

The top vote getter last time was Ken Wilson. Ageton and Ken love their position as top vote getters, but that was under different circumstances when Suzy was totally unknown (as Ken was last time). Ageton is solidly pegged as a pro-growther now, and her busy body attitude has cost her a lot of the Democratic Women support that was key to her large vote total. The last council was elected to put a stop to Ruzzin and Ageton, which it did. So i don't see her as the number one vote getter in this election. The last election shows how things will play out.

Ken Wilson 9,815 10.4%

Crystal Gray 9,419 10%

Susan M. Osborne 9,155 9.7%

Lisa Morzel 8,808 9.3%

Angelique Espinoza 8,322 8.8%

Macon Cowles 8,236 8.7%

Matthew Appelbaum 6,838 7.2%

Susan K. Peterson 4,419 4.7%

Eugene Pearson 4,154 4.4%

Shawn L. Coleman 3,738 4%

Adam Massey 3,250 3.4%

There is nothing from the last election results that shows the Daily Camerag's wishes of a pro-biz council will happen. The only pure biz candidates, with no support from Sierra Club or the traditional Democrats, did very poorly. That was looser Adam. The only way for biz candidates to get on is to get some strength from other communities, and only KC has that. It would also presume the total disapparance of the PLAN boulder and Sierra Club vote, which is not going to happen in two years.

The Little Angel got her 8,000 votes by getting the biz vote and her deep involvement in Democratic Women. This is what KC has for this election and so this train wreck will either be fourth or fifth. The only chance of defeating her is if people see her candidacy as the deception that it is, which Boulder voters won't.

Macon is not in trouble. He lost the first time over name recognition, the people that voted for him last time will vote for him again. Thus, and easy 8,000 votes. In fact, he is likely to be the top vote getter. The 8,000 who voted for him last time knew exactly what he was going to do on council and he did it. Given the weakness of the candidates against him, people are not going to switch from Macon to Stiff and Fenno.

Applebaum did very poorly last time in a deep field. He actually will need more people to vote for him last time, which would make him a more viable pick off than Macon. But the 1500 people who voted for the other winners and not for him last election did not vote for him because of his reputation. I think that the hesitancy over his reputation is now gone. Suzy and Macon just need the same vote totals to win. While Suzy has lost votes, she has not lost enough to put her in any serious trouble. Apple will need to get 1500 people to vote for him who did not in the last election. This will be tough.

Suzy is probably ensured re-election. But remember how poorly Tom did in his waning years. I think that fourth place is possible for her. But she will probably be first or second.

So this leaves Fenno, Stiff, Raj, and Plass for the last seat. Fenno is a pure biz developer candididate, this does not get him to 8,000. That puts you in Adam Massey, Scott Gershorn territory of 3,000-5,000 votes, so no seat for him. Same with Stiff. Stiff is the Richard Polk of the election, with his own quirkly weirdness. But he also has a fatal "I know better" attitude that will not win him any friends. Likewise, Raj is in the Eugune Pearson range of votes, she will get all the liberals, but that is not enough to ger her out of the 5,000 range.

So Plass is the test and the likely fifth seat. If Boulder really has decided that it is not is not anti-growth, and that the last council was not put in place to limit pops and scrapes, then Tim is done. However, the desparate attacks of the money interests, the scrapebaggers, along with the Camera's attacks, illustrate just how unlikely all of that is. The Ruzzin council was elected secretly, people thought they were getting environmentalists, not developers. They were thrown out handily. Things have not changed, Newlands residents and developers are not even close to a majority. So the vote will be:

Macon - 10,000

Suzy - 8700

Appelbaum - 8250

Plass - 8200

KC - 8000

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Last nights city council election, complete with Teabagger party protest and kookiness, is the beginning of election season in Boulder. Despite the property protesters, Progressive Boulder liberal council will pass a strong tough pop and scrape ordinance. The crazyness of the developer protests, is that like the teabaggers, this protest is anything but grassroots, its all real estate money. And does anyone take Ruzzin seriously anymore? Everybody knows he is trying to develop his New-lands house.

The Daily Camera rag will, like Foxnews and the teabaggers, push the developer protest story to death, much like the Dick and Edie story, even though there is no real community support for their position. And just like the teabaggers, their loudness will have no real effect. Warren Hullquist has just ensured Macon's election to a 4 year term. With the election of Macon, the developers will have two more years in purgatory, giving the counsel a chance to firm up the Board's with liberals/environmentalists. If they were smart, they would go after Tim Plass. Applehead is not always a reliable vote. With Tim on the council, only Suzy and the little shit will be reliable votes for monster houses and shit-hole downtown buildings.

So the developers and the Camera will push the conservative/real estate money candidates. But this field of candidates is so week, they really have no chance other than to get KC on.

First offender is KC Becker. Have you seen her fucking yard signs? Its a picture of a mother throwing her child in front of a bulldozer, just sick. Easy Camera endorsement. They will praise here willingness to look at the tough issues and seek compromise. Fuck that, move to Broomfield with your developer husband. She is the real danger to environmental position on council

Barry Stiff is also the nextCamera endorsee. Uriah Heath will write a story for the Camera promoting his ability to see both side of the issue. Also, someone who would approve a developer building a four story high building on the cite of the Camera rags building they so desperately need to sell.

At this point, there is no one left to endorse. So they will have to endorse Matt. They will then review liberal pretender Thielin's blog and endorse whoever he picks.

Suzy is un-beatable. But she will never be mayor and has cemented her position as a generally disliked bitch. Why exactly does she want to be on council?

Macon and Matt will come in second and third. Both will get their four year term and create hell for Suzy and Ken. Liberals will control council with Lisa, Macon, Crystal, Matt, and Susan.

The real election is whether there will be any developer opposition that matters. Its between KC, Stiff, and Tim P.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Anti-neighborhood pro growth three

Three on counsel in the developers pockets, per tonight's joint planning board. First Suzy Ageton, Short on ideas and long on political rhetoric about "property rights". Is this person really a Democrat.

Next offender is the short man. While his vague campaign blog,
http://www.kenwilson.org, indicates that he will solve the pop and scrap issue, his performance at the meeting tonight indicates a guy who never met a pop he wouldn't scrap.

If this guy smokes, he is the next Richard Polk. This guy puts the little in in shit.

Finally, the Little Angel, who proves that being cute means you really are dumb. Campaign "chest" full of developer money.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dump Suzy Agetator

Pro-growth, anti-downtown city councilperson Suzy Ageton reveals her true pro-growth colors at yesterdays city council meeting. According to yesterday's Daily Rag, Suzy thinks all those buildings going in downtown are too small, and are a benefit to the community. Time to dump the dip.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Accurate prediction yet again

Unlike Rush Limbaugh/Ron Paul pretender Democrat David Thielen, RLB correctly predicts that the candidate to get 15,000 votes wins th 2 CD primary.

I didn't predict Joan would loose, but given her poor campaign and lack of presence in Boulder, its not a shock. Looking for theories for why should lost heavy union area Adams County.

Jared spent over $300 per vote. Hope his new hobby is worth it.