Tuesday, October 27, 2009

David Thielen - lying Boulder blogger

David Thielen-Thielen, our fake liberal blogger in Boulder, wants you to believe that the progressive ticket for Boulder is voting for Barry Siff and KC Becker. Typical of his Republican roots, David is lying to cover the real truth. Developer backed candidates whose model for Boulder is Broomfield and Highlands Ranch are anything but progressive. He criticizes the last 30 years of Boulder councils by saying that if they had gotten there way, NCAR would never have been built!!.

As usual, David is a moron who fundamentally does not understand why Boulder is a great town. but what do you expect from a failed computer entrepreneur. Boulder is great because of limited growth, plus an educated population with the University and Federal labs as anchors. Boulder is not great because of businessmen like Barry Siff, newcomers, who idea of vision is to build and grow us into an unlivable town, like Broomfield, Louisville, and Lafayette.

The Progressives in this town are the Sierra Club and PLAN-Boulder County. To deny this is to live in Highlands Ranch. Without these groups, there would be a line of housing extending south to Golden and southeast to Broomfield. Traffic would be a nightmare and city services and social services would be non-existence.

Dont' vote for registered Republican Siff. He is not a progressive. And David Thielen, he is one Boulder blogger that can't tell the truth.

1 comment:

DavidThi808 said...

Speaking of liars...

1) Two posts below you claim I said "a man's home is his castle." What I actually said was "In America, to an awful lot of people, even in Boulder, your home is your castle," - big difference.

2) You call me a "failed computer entrepreneur." Actually my company is doing well even in the present economy and I'm proud that we are continuing to provide jobs for people.

3) I did not say that the last 30 years of Boulder Councils would not have approved NCAR. What I said was I doubt the freeze in amber/Charleston crowd would have ever approved it. And I think that is a fair statement.

Finally, your claim to determine who is and is not liberal or progressive shows a very narrow mindset on your part. Fine for you, but it would be a pity if everyone here was forced to live as you determine.