Saturday, December 1, 2007

David Thielin is the Rush Limbaugh of Boulder

Republican liberal poseur continues to insist he is conducting an online debate for the Second CD. As soon as the candidates learn about who David really is, they will have no interest in participating in an online debate with this Rush Limbaugh clone. Call the candidates and tell them not to participate in this Rush clone's debate farce.

Why is David a Rush clone? First, he endorsed Republican Bob Greenlee to run against liberal progressive Democrat Claire Levy for the state house.

Second, he manipulates the news FoxNews like. Read what progressive Boulder city council member Macon Cowels says about David in the Camera. "Candidate Macon Cowles announced he wouldn't participate in protest of a Thielen post that labeled the slate of candidates endorsed by civic group PLAN-Boulder County the "mediocre seven." Thielen later apologized and re-wrote the post, which he said was poorly written. He said he used the word "mediocre" to refer to the breadth and depth of PLAN-Boulder County's slate of candidates, not the contenders themselves.

But Cowles said that as the one-man operator of his Web site, Thielen has the power to color the picture of candidates that voters receive, and he's not convinced he'll be fair.

"I would not give Rush Limbaugh the chance to distort my record or my views, and I will not give that chance to Thielen, who is not 'Liberal and loving it!' as proclaimed on his masthead," Cowles wrote in an e-mail explaining his decision. "Thielen's forum is a setup, so that Thielen will claim an air of legitimacy when he ultimately endorses the candidates that he has been fawning over since Day One both online and in public."

Finally, David and his family are conservatives. The only thing that David has ever taken a liberal stand on is global warming. So what? Otherwise, he is a libertarian that doesn't support any of the policies advanced by the Second CD candidates.

Apparently David Thielen comes from good old Republican stock.

Thielen is the daughter of longtime Windward Republican Rep. Cynthia Thielen, who ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka. Laura Thielen managed her mother's campaign. (see below)

I urge you to write both the Jared Polis and Bill Schafroth campaigns and ask them pull out of the despicable David Thielin's online debate. His blog has no journalistic value or integrity, and any serious candidate should ignore his blog and online debate. You can contact the congressional candidates that have agreed to the online debate at:

Jared Polis Email

PO BOX 4572 Boulder, CO 80306


Shafroth for Congress

P.O. Box 982
Boulder, CO 80306
(303) 681-6333


DavidThi808 said...

This makes what, your 5th call for censorship? Do you really want a political environment where everyone agrees with you?

My reply is here.

And again, I invite you to discuss the issues (including if I'm a liberal if you so choose) rather than trying to reduce the debate by restricting who is allowed to speak.

Life in Boulder said...

I know. why don't I have the both of you on Jann scott live ? we could do it at the laughing goat. bill it as a kind of Battle Royale of two ":iberal" bloggers in boulder. People would love. Besides, God knows my career is in a tailspin and i need all of the help i can get.
No seriously, it would be fun and people would come to see it.! I'll be fair..and equal. we will put it on you can have links to it.
whaddoyousay?? It'll be fun.

DavidThi808 said...

Sure - why not. I put candidates through the interview process, it would be educational to be on the other end of that.

Happy to go face to face on any and all issues you want to throw at the two of us. The only thing I ask is you make a full unedited version available. (An edited version also is fine.)

RLB - you up for it?