Thursday, January 10, 2008

Boulder for Obama?

Its going to be a wild caucus in Boulder on February 5. With a neck and neck presidential campaign, who will win Boulder. Conventional wisdom is that rich liberals, that is us, will vote for Obama. Obama is the Paul Tsongas, Howard Dean or this election, but black, so he gets the upper class vote, which is what Boulder is all about.

But super strong Democratic women organization in Boulder will continue to partially back Hillary. So expect some strong Hillary support; however, I would be surprised if Hillary won more than one or two precincts in Boulder.

In Boulder, each precinct will only have four to seven delegates. So the delegates will likely split pretty evenly in each precinct. It will be tough for any individual to be elected delegate in a particular caucus, because both Hillary and Obama camps will want their people in. In 2004, lots of Kucinich people (well maybe 20) got to go to the county convention, because, there were plenty of spots. This is unlikely to happen, and Edwards and Dennis will be shut out of the county convention to a great extent.

East county and Longmont should make it up for Hillary.

The State convention should be even more interesting. With only 54 delegates going to the national convention, the split between the two camps will be pretty close

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