Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cindy v Rollie

This election was Cindy's to loose and she is doing a pretty good job of it. No endorsements from anyone of note, a crappy campaign, and a crabby personality. But Cindy may still be able to pull it off. Why? While politicians have universally endorsed Rollie, Cindy still has support of Democratic Women and core downtown people to get the votes she needs to win. While some have pealed off, their strength is so overwhelming in the district, its probably enough for her to win.

Rollie's only chance was to run a good campaign, which he did. He walked the entire district and met plenty of voters.

It takes 3500 votes to win the nomination.

Too close to call. How about Cindy 3800, Rollie 3300

Or: Rollie 3650; Cindy 3400.

Talk about covering my bases.

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