Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ollie Ageton for Mayor

While Suzy desperately wants to be mayor, see Daily Camera article, she is too much of the reason the old council was ineffective. As noted in the Camera, special interests, i.e., developers, benefited from the council's failure to take initiative on any development issues, i.e. pop-ups. The old council was entirely reactive to city staff, and Suzy really cannot take credit for any proposal or initiative that council passed. In fact, did council projects get through in the last two years? For Suzy to be mayor, she must get Matt Applebaum's vote. One would think that Matt would not see any record of Suzy for him to take comfort in. Matt was part of a very active council, and served with several mayors, he is probably not going to see Suzy as fitting into the mold of someone who should be mayor.

Ageton also likes to boast that she and Ollie are the BOC elected council members. She paid back both the developers and the BOC by appointing Board members that were clearly unfit to serve. For example, she appointed actual developers with business before the planning Board to the planning Board. These appointments were made by a majority of Ageton, Tom, Ruzzin, Polk, and Stoakes. Suzy's four cronies are gone, and the new council member who see these Board appointments as ill advised are not going to see her as someone fit to represent the city as mayor.

Plus her finger pointing, ruler swatting style is just not Boulder.

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