Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Polis to pull out of online debate

Latest word from the campaign for second CD is that Polis will not participate in the online debate scheduled to be held by Thielin on his blog. Apparently, according to sources, their are two reasons Polis' campaign has decided to withdraw. (Polis is in Iraq).

First, the campaign read Theilin's attack on Claire Levy and endorsement of Bob Greenlee to run against her as a Republican and decided that he is not balanced and as a libertarian, not fit to moderate his one-man show "debate."

Second, sources say that his support of the Kirlin's and their loony supporters proved to be too adamant and uncivil. the campaign is convinced that David Thielin is the "George Bush of Liberals" and is unfit to provide a public platform.

Finally, the campaign was convinced by Macon Cowles analysis of thielin's blog. Clearly Thielin is setting up Polis for some bashing:

Candidate Macon Cowlesannounced he wouldn't participate in protest of a Thielen post that labeled the slate of candidates endorsed by civic group PLAN-Boulder County the "mediocre seven."

Thielen later apologized and re-wrote the post, which he said was poorly written. He said he used the word "mediocre" to refer to the breadth and depth of PLAN-Boulder County's slate of candidates, not the contenders themselves.

But Cowles said that as the one-man operator of his Web site, Thielen has the power to color the picture of candidates that voters receive, and he's not convinced he'll be fair.

"I would not give Rush Limbaugh the chance to distort my record or my views, and I will not give that chance to Thielen, who is not 'Liberal and loving it!' as proclaimed on his masthead," Cowles wrote in an e-mail explaining his decision. "Thielen's forum is a setup, so that Thielen will claim an air of legitimacy when he ultimately endorses the candidates that he has been fawning over since Day One both online and in public."

1 comment:

Ryan said...


It's probably worth pointing out that those last few paragraphs come from this Camera story.


Ryan Morgan
Camera staff writer