Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Why Adam lost

Adam Massey lost for one reason alone (other than he did not get enough votes).

He is not genuine. He is a complete fake, more interested in power and position than either helping this city or pushing genuine policy interests. If he had really believed in any of this positions, he would have won. But people can spot a phony a mile a way.

As an aside, who the F@#* votes for balance. Adam said "vote for me, I bring balance." The people that did vote for Adam didn't vote for him to bring balance to council, they voted because of his BOC stance or pro-growth stance (not exactly balanced positions). So at least the people that voted for this phony voted for him out of a policy they were in favor of.

Adam, however, is extremely qualified to be turned down by council, yet again, for a Board position.

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