Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Real Bigline - the votes are in

The election is over. The winners have been determined. Though some of you may continue to vote, you will vote in the same proportions as those who have already voted. Though the votes have not been counted, they will read:

1. Susan Osborne - 15,233
2. Crystal Gray - 13, 927
3. Angie Espinoza - 13, 255
4. Macon Cowles - 11, 287
5. Ken Wilson - 11, 101
6. Lisa Morzel - 10,766
7. Matt A. - 10,456
8. Adam Massey - 9,027
9. Erick Rutherfork - 8,487
10. Eugene Pearson 7,245
11. Shawn Coleman - 6,897
12. Larry Quilling - 4,678
13. Alan O'Hashi - 3, 764
14. Philip Hernandez - 2,876
15. Rob Smoke - 37

1 comment:

Unknown said...


This is Eugene Pearson. In my estimate we will have more votes than the 7,000 range in this election - in fact, I expect that we are going to win. In 2005, with a much less robust campaign, we garnered this level of support. This time around i have been walking neighborhoods since the summer election, have an extremely robust campaign at the university (4,000 voters registered) with literature being handed out there, and am overall better known in the community as this is my 3rd time running. I admit that it may be a close one, but I am confident that our grassroots campaign style is going to pay off.

BTW - Boulder isn't all that bad for gay men. Yes, there are a lot of committed couples already here and not a lot of single men, but to be honest - I love the Boulder lifestyle (it keeps me at least in decent shape) and makes me very marketable as a single gay man. It is a tight knit community. I prefer the quieter garden parties to the loud clubs (Denver is close enough anyways to get my fill should i need it).

I really enjoy this over Thielan's Blog. You do have a more accurate pulse on the community for sure. I don't appreciate that he doesn't read anything more on websites or in the candidate surveys to figure out how to rate the candidates. I think this is somewhat lazy if one is attempting to provide a robust picture of the election...

Have a great Day,
