Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rutherford developer money - bought & paid for

There is little doubt who this candidate is representing, developers. His campaign money is coming from the usual developer suspects and lots of out of town money, from people hoping to make cash off of Boulder by building some crap, perhaps even a convention center

Boulder developers and landlords that contribute include

Boulder Property Management,
Gunpark Property Management
Two seperate Della Cava development companies
and 14 more developers, their spouses, and their companies.

Also, lots of money from out of town, including contributors from Cherry Hills, Lafeyette, Longmont, Denver, Aurora. What are all these out of town givers contributing to Rutherford for: How about to eliminate the 55 foot height limit, build 10,000 units at the transit village, build chaing stores, develop CU South. In short, make Boulder more like Superior or Highlands Ranch.

Read his latest list of out of town developer money at:

And to you and your developer money:

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